The Best Place On Vacation

Haven Beach Resort

Purok 4 Binuclutan, Botolan, Zambales 2202

Experience Beach Paradise

Feel the warm sun, listen to the calming sounds of waves, and enjoy endless 

activities in our beach.


Your home away from home



A perfect place for Nature Lovers

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Aircon Rooms

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Home Feeling

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Native Kubos, Aircon Rooms or Team Building is a perfect place for you.


6 hours drive

Shopping Mall

25 min. drive

Bus station

20 min. drive

Visit Us

Haven Beach Resort
Purok 4 Binuclutan, Botolan, Zambales


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visit Haven Beach Resort

Feel the warm sun , listen to the calming sounds of waves, and enjoy endless activities in our Beach Resort. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure,

our mission is to provide a memorable and delightful vacation experience